Why Brands Matter 2022

Brand Finance Why Brands Matter 2022

For over a quarter of a century, Brand Finance has helped clients to understand the value of brands. Our global team study thousands of brands each year, and this experience has helped us to understand the key attributes of successful brands and other intangible assets to deliver financial results.

This new research is further evidence of the importance of maintaining brand strength, provides new insights from our latest analysis of a range of studies, and underlines the critical role brands play in the economy. The report considers how brands perform in times of crisis and in recovery; how brands deliver stability and reduce risk; how brands restart economies and build consumer confidence; how brands improve national competitiveness and above all, how strong brands outperform their competitors to earn more money for brand owners.

We also look at some of the building blocks of strong brands and outline the role that familiarity and consideration play in developing that strength and how these factors can help to explain and predict market share.

We hope this research provides both inspiration and practical benefit to marketers and their agencies as they move forward to a post pandemic era.