whitepaper: Sponsorship Valuation - Understanding the True Value of Sponsorship

Brand Finance whitepaper: Sponsorship Valuation - Understanding the True Value of Sponsorship

  • With such high levels of investment into sports sponsorship, and the inherent opportunities and risks involved, often a lot of money can be left on the table.
  • Sponsorship is no different from any other form of marketing expenditure - it requires clear and concise evaluation against its aims to justify its existence and ultimately its associated expenditure. 
  • In terms of expressing the return on sponsorship investment, a financial audience will typically require an evaluation based on financial payback, or ROI? i.e. how has the investment affected both top and bottom-line performance of the organisation?

When working through your campaign checklist, pause for a moment and ask yourself, ‘What is the ROI dollar value from this sponsorship investment, not just annual but over the entire life span of the deal?’ Ask yourself how it compares to other similar sporting sponsorships and whether it really is money well spent!

Bryn Anderson, Director of Sports Services